PrimeHolders Digital Asset Investor Platform – Your Way to Cryptocurrency Trading Review
Primeholderscom Review

PrimeHolders Review

Digital Asset Investor Platform

In the last few years, cryptocurrency has infiltrated almost every aspect of human existence. Thus, it is a given that the popularity of cryptocurrency exchange and trading platforms has continued to grow at a rather incredible speed. A number of new platforms have also been introduced with the purpose of offering better and innovative features to crypto traders that can make it easier for them to enter the market and enjoy the high profits they are after. This is exactly what PrimeHolders Digital Asset Investor platform has done. It is also a digital assets trading platforms that gives global traders the opportunity to start trading in the cryptocurrency market and benefit from its potential.

PrimeHolders has maintained a steady growth in customer base and popularity and this is because of how it operates. One of the most important things to know about this cryptocurrency trading platform is that it doesn’t aim towards a specific level of traders. Whether you are a beginner or someone who has dipped their toes in this pool before, PrimeHolders can help you move forward in the crypto markets and help you reach your goals much quicker. Getting started on the platform is quite easy and there are no long requirements you have to fulfill or a ton of paperwork that needs to be submitted.

There is a simple online form that you can fill easily, but it should be done accurately and the details should match the proof of ID and address that you submit. This can make the entire verification process easier and quicker. PrimeHolders has been working round the clock to make itself as comprehensive, professional and secure as possible for its traders. Therefore, you can now use this online crypto platform for trading some of the top cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin and Litecoin among others.

Fees and Charges

As mentioned earlier, this Digital Asset Investor platform known as PrimeHolders has been trying to make its platform a comprehensive solution for every trader’s cryptocurrency needs. One of these aspects includes offering them a platform through which they can trade in the market without worrying about the huge sums that need to be paid in the form of commission, processing fees, taxes and other hidden costs. One of the biggest problems of some early crypto trading platform was their extremely high fees and commission rates. Since these platforms were limited in number and there was a huge demand of cryptocurrencies, they were able to charge whatever they wanted.

Traders had no other choice so they had to use them, even though a major part of their profits was claimed by these platforms. Fortunately, the launch of new platforms has broken this monopoly and allowed traders to benefit from competitive rates. PrimeHolders has done it even better by charging very low and reasonable rates in terms of commission. This helps traders in controlling their expenses a great deal and rake in high profits, something other platforms don’t really offer. Moreover, this is not all where PrimeHolders can aid traders in bringing down their trading costs on a whole.

They also have no hidden charges that they spring later on so traders are aware from the get go about what they have to pay. Apart from that, the processing fees that’s usually involved when financial transactions are conducted i.e. deposits and withdrawals are made are also not a concern for traders when using PrimeHolders. Why? This is because the platform itself covers this cost of processing transactions and this makes it easier on the traders because they are able to enjoy greater profits. The trading costs go down and traders are left with a greater amount to invest and can increase their returns in the long run.

Digital Asset Investor Platform Privacy and Security

When you are trading online, one of your biggest concerns is security. Even in the cryptocurrency market, there have already been incidents where people had their Bitcoins stolen or their accounts compromised. Therefore, when considering the various crypto trading platforms in the market, one important concern of traders is its security. It doesn’t come off as a surprise that PrimeHolders is ranked amongst the top digital assets trading platform in regard to security considering the fact that it has inculcated some very advanced protocols. For PrimeHolders, it is a priority that its clients don’t have to deal with the inconvenience and hassle of security threats.

It keeps full reserves of both fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies and client funds are stored in offline storage. Multi-signature signing has also been implemented along with air-gapped signing process for greater effectiveness. The wallet infrastructure is also strong and kept completely segregated from operational expenses to ensure there is no misappropriation of funds. Furthermore, PrimeHolders has used the expertise of the best security specialists for encrypting all sensitive data, whether in motion or at rest. Third-party auditors are hired to check the finances and duties are segregated to prevent any single individual from making any changes to the system or code.

Funds that are held in the accounts are collateralized because PrimeHolders doesn’t allow transactions to be conducted on credit. It has strong ties with the top banks as well, which is great for ensuring smooth transactions. Other than that, PrimeHolders has also established good relationships with government regulators all over the world and follows all necessary rules and regulations. A combination of KYC and AML program is implemented for dictating the limits traders need to stick to and all these measures result in a strong security architecture for traders.

Customer Support

What do you do when you visit a website and have questions about it or the service it provides? You automatically look for the customer support options that are provided to get assistance so you can use the website properly. This rule also applies to trading platforms. When traders visit their website, there is a chance that they might have some questions they wish to ask or may have issues in operating it properly. Obviously, they will turn to customer support, but what if it is not there? Lack of assistance will drive them elsewhere, which means platforms will lose potential clients if they don’t provide adequate support.

There are some crypto trading platform that are lacking in this department, but PrimeHolders is not one them. This digital assets trading platform recognizes the importance of offering reliable customer support to its traders because the cryptocurrency market is a relatively new one. Hence, it is a given that users, especially those who are new in the market, will have tons of questions to ask. In order to assist these traders, PrimeHolders has provided an email address on its website that can be used for getting in touch with them.

You can ask their customer support staff questions about the website, about the trading software or even about the market itself and they will be able to respond to you accurately as they are well-versed in the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency world. You can get a reply within 48 hours and it will contain a comprehensive and effective solution to any query that you may put forward. This kind of customer support is immensely valued by traders because it assures them that they can get help if they are stuck and don’t have to worry about losing their money due to lack of answers.

Pros and Cons

It is understandable that every website has its pros and cons and PrimeHolders Digital Asset Investor platform is not different. There are hundreds of traders who love this platform, but there are also those who do not think it is the best digital assets platform out there. But, the important thing to note is that the pros of this cryptocurrency platform outweigh the cons. PrimeHolders is making a lot of effort into developing it in order to make it the best place to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. They have introduced a wide array of local payment methods to make it easy and convenient for the traders to start putting in money. Debit and credit cards can be used, which include Visa, MasterCard and even Maestro, and bank transfer can also be used.

Processing is immediate in the case of cards, but if you opt for bank wire transfers, it will take a few days. Right now, Euro is the only fiat currency available, which may be a downside to some, but PrimeHolders is working on adding more. The security measures used by the platform are also quite impressive as they do everything they can to keep their clients data, whether personal or financial, encrypted and backed up. They have also provided their traders access to a horde of trading strategies and tools that help them in increasing their leverage without putting in more capital.

The problem is that while traders from different corners of the globe can use PrimeHolders, there are some countries where it is still not licensed. One of the major countries where it is still not available is the US. Other than that, copy trading is also a perk you can enjoy with PrimeHolders, which allows newbie traders to copy the strategies of experts on their own accounts and benefit from the results.


As it is clear from the name, the aim of including FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions is to address the questions that are frequently asked about the website or platform. But, this is just a part of it because if an FAQ section is done the right way, it can actually turn out to be an effective element of your website that can serve a number of purposes. First and foremost, FAQs are extremely useful in relieving the burden on your customer support services because they provide answers to questions that are commonly asked by traders. This means that the customer support staff doesn’t have to answer the same questions over and over again because they are already provided.

This is one of the top reasons why PrimeHolders has made a thorough and meticulous FAQs section because traders can use it for finding answers to questions they may have when they visit the platform. Another perk of the FAQs section at PrimeHolders is that it alleviates any anxieties that new traders might have about starting trade in the cryptocurrency market. It also earns their trust because it shows that them that you are willing to explain your business model to make things easier.

The FAQs section provides answers to any and all questions, not just about the basics of trading in cryptocurrencies, but also about PrimeHolders’ offerings. Everything from their policies, countries, languages and account setup can be found there. However, one of the most notable features about the FAQs section of PrimeHolders is that the platform is willing to add more questions to its list if suggested by the traders. Thus, you can get the question of your choice added to the other questions, as long as it is essential, relevant and one that is asked by traders on a regular basis.

The advantages and important aspects of PrimeHolders has helped the platform become a more professional one. They have a strong team of experts and professionals who have developed a sophisticated security system designed to give traders peace of mind and to ensure that they can make their trades without their information falling into the wrong hands. The platform also boasts a sleek and smart interface that is easy to use even for the beginners. As far as the trading software is concerned, it is advanced yet simple and allows traders to use PrimeHolders not just on their PCs, but can also access it on their smartphones.

As PrimeHolders wants to be a comprehensive digital cryptocurrency trading platform, it is taking every necessary measure to ensure it is encompassing enough to provide the best crypto solutions. Therefore, it is constantly working to add more payment methods as well as trading tools and strategies that can be used in the cryptocurrency market. While Limit Order and Institutional Accounts and Access are already being used, others such as Iceberg Orders and Fully Collateralized Leverage are also under works. Suffice it to say, PrimeHolders is becoming the ideal digital assets trading platform for all traders.